Same Brand, Same Size, Different Fit

2016-08-25 00:00:00 +0000

We hope to provide a better means of classifying what type of fit men’s swimwear bottoms will provide a customer. The current standard is “board shorts” or “swim trunks”, but these labels can fail describe a particular pair of swimwear accurately. We will use natural language processing on garment descriptions provided by e-commerce sites to more accurately classify the type of fit a garment will provide.

Big Dream Ministries

2016-08-24 00:00:00 +0000

Big Dream Ministries offers studies that help people learn more themselves through the Bible. These studies include

These studies are sold in different packages; a set includes several DVDs and a workbook, a unit contains several sets, and a collection is the entire study. The broad question we answer in this project is: which customers will purchase new packages, and if they do, how many? We arrive at an answer using so called Buy ‘Til You Die (BTYD) models of customer likelihood of making future purchases, along with ensemble methods (logistic regression and decision trees) to determine which studies will be purchased.

Movie Performance Analysis

2016-08-23 00:00:00 +0000

This project focused on developing recommendations for a technology company just entering the online-streaming business. In this project, we explored three key questions: 1) what genre of films make the most money, 2) which actors/ directors are most successful, and 3) how much should a company look to spend in advertising in order to maximize the profit from their investment.

Whose Clothes Fit Well?

2016-08-22 00:00:00 +0000

Image by Asia Michaela Photography

Through the years and the rise of popularity in e-commerce for clothing, some brands have tried to grow their user base by expanding their size selections. When brands avoid trying to expand their selection, they may receive public backlash, for example Lululemon in 2013. But has offering wider size ranges really helped a brand’s client base feel more secure in their clothes? We investigate this question using statistical analysis of review ratings from ModCloth and Rent The Runway.

Laplace Smoothing Animation

2016-08-21 00:00:00 +0000

This is a jupyter notebook tag-a-long to my Medium article, “Laplace Smoothing and the Sunrise Problem”. The notebook creates a visualization of how the Laplace smoothing probabilities change with . Hopefully, the visualization explains why we say Laplace smoothing adjusts our probabilities towards a uniform distribution. But for those who prefer more rigor, I provide a proof as well!

Help Me Decide

2016-08-20 00:00:00 +0000

One day I was talking to a friend about the choice between two jobs. The usual process I follow when making decisions like this is:

  1. gather together all the features that seem important,
  2. determine just how important (relatively) each of those features are,
  3. rate each option I'm deciding between on each of those features,
  4. do some math and end up with number for each option.

Now, how much this number plays into my decision is depends on how I’m feeling that day, but in the very least I could formalize this process and make it interactive for anyone who likes to make decisions in this way!



Boulder, Colorado
United States of America